What we do

Pennatek Communications is an academic and technical editing firm. We specialize in working with professionals who speak English as a second language. With careful attention to style, grammar, and our client's goals, we help writers in a range of technical fields produce well crafted and effective writing.

Papers for Publication

Whether this is your first submission or you are a published author, a professional edit will increase your paper's chance of acceptance.

Grants and Proposals

When dollars are on the line, every word counts. Get help with federal and organizational grants as well as business proposals.

Technical Reports

Great writing reflects well on the author. Ensure a grammatically accurate and error-free text with our proofreading services.

How it works

  • Contact us for an initial consultation to develop a project timeline and receive a quote.
  • Submit your work in pdf or .doc format.
  • Consult with the editor as needed through the editing process.
  • Receive an invoice and pay for your project.
  • Review your edited work and consult with the editor if you have questions.

Why Pennatek?

The right editor makes good writing great!


Professionals have little time to waste. Our turnaround times are short to meet your deadlines.



Writing is a powerful tool. We review overall clarity and persuasiveness so you achieve your goals.

Language Expertise

Language Expertise

Writing in a second language is challenging. We help you avoid common grammatical and discourse errors.

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